My Epiphany Before I Turn 23


Today as I drove on the same route back home, I remembered how four years ago I was in a near-miss accident just before my 19th birthday. Minutes later I find myself having to take a detour because of an accident. 

This detour was something I didn’t expect because, after eighteen years living here, I never knew that that particular road had even existed. At first, I dreaded having to go on a detour because it was getting dark and I had no idea where I would be going. For the first half of it, it was mainly gravel with so many holes that you needed to be extra careful. However, somewhere in between, I had an epiphany- something that I haven’t experienced in a very long time. 

It has been a while since I’ve seen anything as beautiful. While driving, the fog was starting to roll in on the country fields but the sky was a spectacular colour of orange and blue where you could see the silhouette of the mountains in the background. Then as it gets darker and darker, the sky was lit by the moon and I have never seen it as marvellous and as big. At the last minute, I even decided to stop at a random driveway as I was in so much awe. SubhanAllah. At that moment I felt how Merciful and Loving He is. 

That detour was like a metaphor and reminder in life. Sometimes you come to a dead-end that isn’t meant for you because of protection or it is redirecting you to something even better. Sometimes you don’t even know where you are going; it might be unclear, it might be bumpy and at times it might be dark but the journey can still be beautiful as God is always with you and guiding you with His light. Alhamdullilah. 

The thing is, although it might be a detour, you will always arrive at the right place and at the right time. There is no need to rush or race to get somewhere, you can take your sweet time as you enjoy the beautiful journey.

Nurul Shamsul