Dear Yantie, It's A New Decade...


It has been more than two weeks into the new decade, 2020. And can I be honest with you? It’s not exactly how you had wanted it to be… so far. Just like every other optimistic individual, you too made plans. Where will you travel in three years time? What will you be doing in five years time? Who will you be in ten years time? Time. Over the years you have learnt the value of it.

2020. It should be ‘your year’. The year where preferably everything in your life gets sorted out and aligned. The year of ‘greatness’. Two weeks in and your New Year’s resolutions feel so unreachable. You are torn between feeling motivated and unmotivated. But who are you to quit and give up now? There are still 347 more days left to the year.

However, it’s so easy to get caught up with life, work, family and friends. Sometimes you just don’t have the energy. You want to say yes to everything but it is also okay to say no. Because sometimes a yes to others might be a no to yourself. It’s okay to relax or take time from the so-called ‘hustle’. The ‘hustle’ and the ‘grind’ shouldn’t really be romanticised as much.

Yes, there are so many things that you would like to pursue. These dreams and goals should feel exciting, not daunting. Because when they are exciting and it is aligned to who you are and it feels rewarding, it should mean that you are fulfilling your purpose.

It’s not really about what you are doing in the future. As always, it’s what you do now in the present that counts.

So be present. And be grateful. You have come so far in the past decade.

Don’t beat yourself up because the first 20 days of 2020 was not exactly how you expected it to be. Be kind to yourself.

Nurul Shamsul